Hobbies Unlimited in San Leandro Closing Soon

Sad news for fans of the brick and mortar hobby shops, particularly those in the San Francisco Bay Area: Hobbies Unlimited is closing soon.

The store is located at 937 Manor Blvd, San Leandro, only about a mile or so from Ages of Sail. And, while this shop hasn’t been particularly significant to the ship modeling community, it does carry lots of paints and tools, and it’s still sad to it go. But, the owner has apparently been at this for a long time and wants to retire. Sadly, nobody seems to have shown an interest in buying the business. There was no exact date given as to when the store will close, but it was reported the first part of this year.

For more information, here’s a link to the store’s website, including contact information: Hobbies Unlimited. Ω


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